Sunday, October 1, 2017

The book that im reading is 20,000 leagues in the sea. This book is a survivalist book but it takes place in the open sea. If you like plot twisting books and things that leave you hanging on the edge you'll love this book. One of the characters you would for surely like is M. Arronaxx. This man went through almost every bad thing you could think of  but kept a positive attitude. These are one of the characters that you would have to pay close attention to because his mood changes very quickly and the way the dialogue is said it might confuse you a little. They talk in a pirate/Greek slang so that might get you to. Other than that the book is amazing. One of the things in this story that made my jaw drop is when they killed this sea animal called a dugong. If you don't know what that is it's a walrus looking animal that has a very long body and is very dangerous. 20,000 leagues in the sea is a very long book but i recommend it to you if you love survival books. You never know this might be the first long book you'll ever read.


  1. This is such a really good post! I love the way you described M.Arronaxx attitude, and how can his emotions easily change. He sounds like an interesting character. There's an "I" that need to be capitalized, but other than that this is an amazing post.

  2. This is a challenging book, I'm happy you're enjoying it! You should consider reading 2001 Space Odyssey or Journey to the Center of the Earth next. Those are both epic tales too. Keep up the excellent work!
